Regen Registry Credit Protocols
AEI Regenerative Soil Organic Carbon Methodology for Rangeland, Grassland, Agricultural, and Conservation Lands
The Regenerative Standard is a family of multiple protocols authored by scientists focused on regeneration and restoration of ecosystems, including working lands. This document is focused on The Regenerative Soil Organic Carbon Methodology, the first protocol (method) available under The Regenerative Standard (TRS).
SeaTrees Crediting Protocol for Marine Restoration
Empowering local communities to restore degraded marine ecosystems and report biodiversity uplift. The primary goal of this protocol is to enable small-scale, locally-led projects to operate with minimal investment while incorporating the latest science in marine biodiversity. Restoration, monitoring and reporting protocols are designed to be achievable by Project Partners at this scale with minimal outside investment.
Terrasos Protocol for Voluntary Biodiversity Credits
The Biodioversity Credits protocol outlines a strategic framework for the development of projects that guarantee quantifiable gains in biodiversity, all while providing robust financial and legal assurances to secure their sustainability and enduring impact.
GHG Benefits in Managed Crop and Grassland Systems Credit Class
This protocol focuses on soil carbon sequestration and storage in regenerative cropping and managed grassland ecosystems.
ERA Biodiversity Crediting Protocol for Umbrella Species Stewardship
This crediting protocol uses umbrella species (ex. jaguars, mandrils, elephants) as an indicator for ecosystem health, providing a holistic assessment of ecological-state indicators and practice-based indicators to incentivize the maintenance of conservation areas.
GHG & Co-Benefits in Watershed Carbon v1.0
Avoided emissions through reducing nonpoint source contamination of watersheds through green infrastucture
Grazing in Vineyard Systems
Sheep Grazing in Vineyard Systems
Kulshan Carbon Trust Biochar
Kulshan Carbon Trust developed this credit class to support small scale biochar production in the Pacific Northwest.
Ruuts Credit Class for Soil Carbon Sequestration through Regenerative Grazing
The credit class and its accompanying methodology provide farmers with a measuring and monitoring process for soil organic carbon sequestration in regenerative grazing systems, enabling them to generate carbon credits that also include robust ecological co-benefits such as water infiltration and biodiversity.
CarbonPlus GHG & Co-Benefits in Grazing Systems
The CarbonPlus Grasslands credit is designed to significantly increase the amount of hectares regeneratively grazed worldwide. The methodology relies on remote sensing to substantially reduce the cost of monitoring carbon sequestration while maintaining location-based scientific rigor.